Inventing the Samurai

TR 9:30-11, 26-168

Explores the historical origins of the Japanese warrior class as well as its reinvention throughout the archipelago’s history. Special focus on the pre-modern era (200-1600 CE). Highlights key historical contexts including the rise of the imperial court, interactions with the broader world, and the establishment of a warrior-dominated state. Also considers the modern imaginations and uses of the warrior figure.

Related Subjects

Offered Spring 2025

Catalog Subject Faculty Level HASS Category
21H.352 21G.042

Three Kingdoms: From History to Fiction, Comic, Film, and Game

TR 1-2:30, 14E-310
Emma Teng Seminar HASS-H

World War II in Asia

T 1-4, 1-136
Hiromu Nagahara Seminar HASS-H

Not Offered This Term

Catalog Subject Faculty Level HASS Category
21H.107 21G.043

From Yellow Peril to Model Minority: Asian American History to 1968

Emma Teng
Introductory HASS-H

Dynastic China

Tristan Brown Introductory HASS-H

Modern China

Tristan Brown
Introductory HASS-H

Modern Japan: 1600 to Present

Hiromu Nagahara Introductory HASS-H
21H.156 21G.045

Global Chinese Food: A Historical Overview

Not offered regularly; consult department
Staff Introductory HASS-H

Modern South Asia

Sana Aiyar Introductory HASS-S

Nature and Environment in China

Tristan Brown Introductory HASS-H

Looking East/Looking West

Catherine Clark
Hiromu Nagahara
Intermediate HASS-H
21H.253 21G.075

Global Chinese Migration, 1567- Present

Not offered regularly; consult department
Emma Teng Intermediate HASS-H

Business in China Since 1800

Not offered regularly; consult department
Staff Seminar HASS-H
21H.351 11.153

Shanghai and China’s Modernization

Not offered regularly; consult department
Staff Seminar HASS-H

South Asian Migrations

Sana Aiyar Seminar HASS-H